After that fiasco, we make our way into town to get money and on our way up to the mountains for our hiking trip!
the Black Forest founded by the Germans!
Walking to the hotel until Karen's phone had signal to call for a ride
And our journey begins...
I was fresh, new blood for the mosquitos so I was torn apart my entire visit - this OFF spray did nothing for me
HUGE tree
Planning on how not to get lost in the the dark
Pretty church and ringing the bell
Timing pictures are the most fun - having to run so fast to get in the picture!
HAHA! This picture makes me laugh outloud...don't worry, we've got plenty more like this
Our shack for the night called KAREN!
The view from our room
Our 2nd hike after lunch...getting close to dark (it wasn't actually this dark, it just looks like that from the camera)
My hair is CRAZY this entire time
Yes, we got caught in the rain halfway through our hike
Our neighbors
After playing cards, we finished the night with watching "Nights in Rodanthe"
And Karen balled her eyes out and was too lazy to get up and wipe her nose so she had snot running down her face THEN when she does get up, she does THE LOUDEST fart. I say, "GOOD GOD" and she tells me "I was holding it that entire time because I know you get so mad when I fart and it smells" - can you say bestfriend? hahahahaa
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